Monday, April 22, 2013

Getting Back to Normal

Ever have one of those perfect moments?  When you back to think about it, all you can do is smile.

That was Saturday afternoon after work.

I went to meet up with my family and brother at a local bar.  We haven't all gotten together in a very long time and it was nice to all sit there, laugh and tell stories about things going on in our life.  It was amazing, especially after all the troubles from last week.  

To be with some of the people I love the most?  In a place that I enjoy a lot?  It was wonderful.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Stay Strong, Boston

I have been at a loss of words for the past week.  The tragic events that have been occurring in Boston this week has left me with a heavy heart and not sure how to express what is going on.

I'm heartbroken for every person who has been affected by this awful tragedy, not only the victims, but those who have been locked down throughout today.

I love Boston.  I've gone several different times throughout the years, and I have always had an amazing time there.  On Monday, I had countless friends watching the marathon.  I had people I know who were running in the marathon.  When I first heard of this tragedy, tears ran into my eyes, worrying about each one of my friends who was in the city for such a magical event.  Because the Boston marathon, from what I hear, is a magical event.  

I was supposed to be there on Monday. A few months back, my friend asked if I wanted to go cheer on her brother.  While I never followed up with her, I had told her I wanted to go because I have always heard such great things about the race.  A whole day where the city is basically shut down to celebrate this marathon?  Who wouldn't want to go to such a celebration.

The city of Boston is once again shut down, but today, it's shut down to hunt for a teenage who has left such fear in not only the people of Boston, but also for the whole nation.  I have been sitting in front of my television all day, trying to understand it all.  

To my friends who are in Boston, you are amazing.  To the people of Boston, you are strong.  Keep your heads held high and know that you have an entire nation praying that this terror ends soon.  I can not even begin to imagine how terrifying it is to hear the sirens constantly outside of my window, and being told not to leave my house.  Boston is such a great city, filled with strength and beauty.  I think we have seen both from the people of Boston this week and it shows the nation the some of the reasons why I love this city.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Growing Up

For the third year in a row, work is doing an Easter Seals fundraiser throughout the month of April.  For the third year in a row, we are doing a bake sale, and I have a Friday night to look forward to baking all sorts of goodies.

Yes, I understand to some this may sound lame, but I am so looking forward to making all sorts of delicious treats, trying out said treats, and hopefully raising a bunch of money for Easter Seals.

Today, I have been searching for recipes all over and can not wait to try them out.  I don't know when I became this little domestic dare devil with baked goods, but I'm willing to try out the role as I see fit.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

To put it simply, I've always been on the other side of the bed.  I have always been the one reassuring everyone that I am okay, sometimes lying a little bit because you don't want your loved ones to worry even more about you.  I've always been the one who has been bored out of her mind at home while everyone else is living their lives.  I've been the one who sleeps to pass the time instead of watching countless reruns and the clock slowly pass.

Being on the other side sucks almost as much as being stuck in that bed recovering.  I constantly worry about Mom.  I worry that she's pushing herself too much or if she is comfortable.  I worry that she'll start to do things that she shouldn't (cough Mom you need to stop doing that...cough).  I worry that I'm not doing enough to help her out.  And I worry that I'm not doing enough to help my dad.

My mom is strong and so is my dad.  But it's still scary when I don't know how to help them.  I know Mom is going to have her good days and her bad days.  That's what the recovering from a major surgery calls for.  There are times though, I wish I could take all of this away so they didn't have to deal with it.

I just want one year that my family doesn't have to worry about recovering from medical problems or hospital visits.  I want one normal or boring year.  Weird request right?  But honestly, that sounds magical to me.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Last week, my dad and I would spend the day visiting Mom in the hospital.  The day would go like this.  Dad and I would get to the hospital while Christopher went to work.  We would spend some time with Mom before she ended up having food/fall asleep/have physical therapy.  Dad and I would take this time to go to the cafe to get lunch for ourselves.  Last Friday, we got to have Sugar cupcake from the cupcake truck.  I was such a happy little camper that day.

After lunch, we would head back to Mom and sit around talking or watching TV.  Sometimes she fell asleep, and often wake from her cat naps apologizing for falling asleep and "boring" us.  I played Candy Crush for a good amount of the visits, even getting Dad to try his hand at the game.  Eventually, Dad and I would leave the hospital with promises to come back.

We would go home where I would nap and wait for us to have some dinner.  After dinner, Chris, Dad and I would head back to the hospital to spend some more time with Mom.  We would hear what happened throughout the day while we were gone, and she would often catch Chris up on what he missed out on. We would giggle sometimes about stories being told multiple times, but we would spend quality family time.

This week Mom has been home.  She is walking with a cane now and when I saw her go outside today, it almost brought tears to my eyes.  I am beyond proud of how far she has come in just one week, and can only imagine the accomplishments she will be achieving every day from now on.

We sit in the family room cause Mom can't go up and down the stairs quite yet and we watch the sun go down every night.  Or at least I do.  And we chat about the day and enjoy the wonderful dinner that my dad makes for us every night.  

I've grown to love family time.  Does it make me a nerd for being completely okay with spending time with my family,cracking jokes and often giggling to a point I can't breathe?

I didn't think so either.

Friday Favorites

Spring is almost here ya'll and I am so excited for the flowers that are starting to bloom!  Just think of all the colors that are going to be coming back.  Red, yellows, greens, blues! My favorite <3

Love letters.  I have been writing them to my mom a lot for encouragement throughout her recovery.  But I have also been itching to leave a love letter to a stranger, so I'm going to be working on that in the next few days.  I think love letters will change the world.

Give Me a Reason --Pink ft. Guy from Fun.
 This song is on heavy rotation on the radio right now and every time I hear it, I always tell who ever is around me that I absolutely love it.  It's funny when a certain song can speak to your soul and this song has done it for me.  I dare you to listen to this song and not fall in love.

Monday, April 1, 2013

A Love Letter to My Amazing Mom

I know I have written this many times in this blog, but my mother is truly a saint.

She is recovering from this major surgery, her second major surgery in the past two years, and I get inspired every time I watch her walk down the hall.  Yes, I may give her a hard time as "pay back" for all the times she asked me if I was okay. But I worry about her every day and wish that all the pain she has felt the past few months/years goes away super fast.

She is one of the strongest people I know; barely complaining after this hip surgery.  I can tell how bored she is because my mom is not the type to just sit around and do anything.  It hasn't even been a week, and yet my mom wants to wash dishes because "she can just stand there."

My mother.  She supports me with everything I do without a question and all I could wish for is to do the same in return.

Mom, while I know you are wicked bored right now, just know how proud I am of you for the strength you have shown since this surgery and every day before it.  Please do not be afraid to ask me for anything; from putting on your slippers to moving some books into the living room.  I love you a lot and can not wait until this all is such a distant memory.

Here Comes the Sun.

Springtime.  A time for new beginnings.  When all the flowers and birds and butterflies come out of hiding.  And the sunshine warms the coldness we felt throughout the winter.  Especially this winter.

What perfect way to enjoy an April 1st then having such a great spring day.  Yes, I was inside at work all day, but I still was able to feel the wonderful spring time before the rain came pouring down to water those May flowers.  

I am so looking forward to the possibilities of a new season changing.  Winter was a trying time for our family and myself.  Health problems and all.  But like I said, I often feel the best during the summertime.  I am going into this month, this season, the rest of this year, with such a positive attitude and nothing but great energy.  Because we all deserve a bit of luck every once in a while and I think it's about time for my family to get some luck.