Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just to See You Smile.

When I was younger, I always assumed that I would be in a serious relationship by now on the verge of some engagement or already married.  Then life happened and you realize that your life isn't a Disney movie where the prince finds the princess and fights the wicked witch/stepmother to get the girl and live happily ever after.  

My generation grew up watching Boy Meets World, but as college students, we also became obsessed with Sex and the City.  That show proves shows a girl doesn't need a man in her life to live happily ever after.  Sometimes, all a girl needs is her best friends to bring out the real her and the happiness that the prince brought the princess in all those Disney movies.

Throughout the years, I have realized I like to be around people.  Overall, people make me happy and if you are a genuine good person, I will be your biggest supporter.  What I have learned recently is once a person become a big part of my life, I will always care for them, and sometimes unfortunately, be on their side.  But I'm one of those people who believe in the good of people, and will stop at nothing to believe I only surround myself with good people.

I always knew I was lucky to have such great groups of people in my life.  I have always "collected" diverse people in my life and I am grateful for every single thing they have taught me.  And while it seems like everyone I know is getting engaged or married, I'm fine with the loves of my life, my circle of amazing people who I know will always be there for me no matter what I do in my life.  

I want to thank those people, who are always there, no matter what, with a hug, kind words or a smile, to let me know I am one of the luckiest girls in the world.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

If I Fall For You, I'll Never Be the Same

Love is said to make the world go round.  And recently, at least in my world, love letters have become the cool thing to make.  Or maybe, it's just that love letters have been flooding my Facebook feed because one girl from town is changing the world by writing love letters to strangers.

I haven't written to a stranger, but I have written them to some people in my life.  Back in high school, I would write notes to my friends gossiping.  Last summer at work, Tom, Holly and Tara all got various love letters from me.  I still receive love letters from Holly, even if they say how much she hates me after a busy day.  When you get that note in your hands and read what your friend wished to share with you at that moment, there is nothing better. Letters can be so personal even if they are a simple, "You make my life better by being in it," type of message.

Anyway, I wrote my share of letters to people because I know that they always make me smile when I get them and I want to make the people I love smile.  I think I'm going to start sending them to my friends.  I've become inspired by Hannah, the girl from my town who is going to change the world one letter at a time.

From what I understand, Hannah started out writing letters the exact reason why I like to write them.  To make others feel special.  But her people were strangers in the city and they were left throughout the city for complete strangers to find and feel seen for the time it takes to read a letter about how special they are.  Can you imagine how your whole week can be made by a letter from a stranger?  I wish I could find one of those special things.  From there, Hannah made a blog and began what started a movement.....and I have to say, she has inspired me to write more love letters to my friends. Because sometimes it's nice to have that physical evidence that someone loves you enough to write to you in a world that is obsessed with technology.

Friends, or whom ever still reads this wonderful little blog that could, be on the look out for a letter.  Yes, I will need addresses from my friends who are far away.  But to those who are close by, be on the look out for letters to be popping up in purses, or houses or cars.  Because I feel like it's important to make the people who have carried me the past few years to realize how much I really do love them.

And if you want to peep Hannah's blog click here: Her Blog
And an inspiring video that flooded my Facebook a few weeks ago: More Love Letters 

Let's get back to the basics.  Love letters.  They have never been more important if you ask me...


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cause I'm Here to Wipe Your Eyes

I'm in love with this song.  Thanks to Heather for introducing it to me (I need the CD dear...) and jamming to it with me.  Adam has a way to sing a love song that can make a girl become weak.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Can't Help But Smile...

I'm a music person.  Always have been and always will be.  I'm not one of those people that feel special for knowing the bands that nobody knows about, or feel like a cheese ball when I sing along to the pop songs on the radio.  My music selection is who I am and I have no problems with what I like.  Look into my Itunes and you will see the wide range of music.

Now some bands are releasing some great music and I want to get their CD's.  In today's society, we are more concerned with the songs on the radio and I think we have gotten away from getting excited about a CD coming out from our favorite artists.  I remember back in middle and high school how excited we all were to get a CD from our favorite groups.  Now it's all about a single becoming widely popular and extending one CD to multiple releases over a 2 or 3 year span.  Katy Perry only has two CD's out....doesn't it feel like she should have closer to 5?

Anyway, I need these CD's in my life. And yes, some of them are old news but I don't have them yet in my possession and that needs to change.

1. Maroon 5--Overexposed
2. Adele-- 21
3. No Doubt (Don't know the name but I know I will have to have it)
4. Kenny Chesney
5. B.O.B.--Strange Clouds
6. Usher--cause who doesn't love a good Usher jam?
7. John Mayer--Born and Raised
8. Ed Sheeran (I'm a sucker for a singer/song writer)

And I'm sure there is more.  I want a great country mix.  I want my brother to make me  a mix.  I love mix tapes.  I just want great music in my life.

I'm Ready...

It's been a week since my first Remicade treatment and I feel no change.  I was not looking for this to be the miracle drug.  I was not looking for a drastic change, but I was hoping that I was feel a little different.

When I walked into the room last week, it was set up with a bunch of Lazy-boys and poles to hook up the IV's.  There were already two people in there and the girl who runs the whole thing went over everything to expect with me.  She was probably around my age, and really nice. And she hooked me up to the tubes and I sat there bored out of my mind for two and a half hours with Mom.

Every few minutes they would come over and change the speed of the medication coming in.  At one point a doctor came in to hear my heart and stuff like that and asked if I was okay.  He was an oddball but it's all good. I was hoping to actually get some face time with my doctor but he was in the other office.  Maybe next week when I go he'll be there.

I don't know when I will get off my medications.  I don't know if I'll ever get over the feeling of going to chemo when I go into that room.  I don't know if I will ever want to go there alone or if I will want to drag people to go with me.  And I honestly don't know how I will be able to pass the two hours with doing something productive.

But I gotta figure I'm not the first person to get this medication and it's going to make me better.  So bring it on Remicade treatments.  I'm ready for you.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things.

Let me share with you some of my current favorites on this beautiful Saturday.

Favorite song/music video: Both of Us- B.O.B. ft. Taylor Swift
Yes, I'm a typical girl that LOVES Taylor.  I think she makes songs that resemble my life completely and as a girl that loves song lyrics, I find meaning to most of her songs.  I love this song because I know people that I wish I could be strong enough to have them still in my life.  But now I gotta work on me as selfish as that is and eventually if life allows, I will have them in my life again.  Plus I think this video is stunning.  Not only am I a lover of song lyrics but I love images.  Photography is a hidden passion of mine, and I think this video has stunning use of light and filters.  

Favorite saying:
Yesterday a girl at work joked with me about my status on Facebook saying I would love to be a beach bum.  But I grew up spending every weekend at the beach from early in the morning to dinner time. I love how my hair looks after a beach day.  I love the feeling of sand beneath my toes.  And I'm totally happy sitting around in a bathing suit chatting with all my friends.  My motto in life has been and always will be that there is no problem in life that can't be solved at the beach.

Favorite current trend:
Love letters.  I may only see this trend because a girl from town is making a huge difference in the world by writing love letters, but I also really enjoying writing people notes.  Holly left me a love note at work which really said how much she disliked me after a crazy day, but it came from the heart.  And last summer, we use to write each other tons of love notes and leave them in each others lab coats.  Love letters though can make a person feel invincible and be a reference point whenever they are feeling down.  They let you know someone really does care and love you no matter what you are going through.  

I want to post more on the girl from town later, but I'll leave you with these few favorites of mine before I go enjoy this beautiful Saturday.  Enjoy everyone!

Monday, July 9, 2012


The world keeps getting SMALLER and SMALLER.

Seriously, I can't believe how people you never expected knowing each other are "bros" or "friends".  It boogles my mind completely.

For one of my most random thoughts, tomorrow is the BIG day.  I'm scared but at the same time I'm excited to look it all in the eye and get the first treatment out of the way.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Throwback Thursday: Hanging By a Moment

It's been weird.   I have heard this song so many times on the radio this past week and I'm not sure why because it's such an old school song.  I love it though and sing along to it whenever I hear it.

I mean let's be honest, Lifehouse makes nothing but good jams.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy July 4th Everyone!

I love America.  I love this movie.  

What better way to say Happy Birthday America (Yes, I'm early, so sue me) then sharing this wonderful 4th of July scene from the classic movie The Sandlot.

And yes, it's a classic that EVERYONE, coughShannoncough, should see.

Monday, July 2, 2012

It's Always a Good Time

Ever have one of those weekends that was so amazing, when you try to put it into words, they don't do any justice to it?

That was this weekend for me.  I wish I could account all the wonderful details, but whenever I try, I fail miserably.

Magic Mike.  Beach.  Patio dinner with the Milford family.  Margaritas.  Laughing until my stomach hurt with the Milford loves.  Prepping for Bar crawl.  Celebrating birthdays.  Sitting on the grass. Long lost friends. Cake pops. Pictures.  Fireworks.  Sam Summer. Oomcha Music.

A bunch of words that may not mean anything to anyone else, but it makes me smile to know I had such an amazing weekend.