Sunday, November 27, 2011

The kids won a bar crawl in Milford.

Sums up the night pretty well.  More information and pictures to come about one of the most fun nights in a very long time

Friday, November 18, 2011

Three coyote spottings today and I have not seen it once.

And one happened just 5 minutes ago with Mandy face to face with the thing!

UGH. I'm not a happy camper.

When I do go out to check out shooting stars, I'm hoping I do not see it though.

Keep Me In Mind

I realized today while I was reading old posts that most of my titles are song lyrics. Go figure.

The other day I was told "You are one of the greatest people I have ever met".

Go ahead and try not to get choked up when you receive this ultimate compliment. I couldn't. 

Thank you.  Honestly I don't think you understand how much this means to me.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cold Weather Blues

Colder weather is moving in.  And once again the only good thing to look forward to with the cold weather is it means that my birthday is approaching.  However, turning 25 is not something I am looking forward to.

Anyway, that's not why I bring up the colder weather.  Colder weather means that people are getting sick and needing medication.  And I'm not just talking about 1 or 2 people.  I'm talking droves of people.  And while it's nice being busy at work, I am not a fan of people's attitudes during this holiday season.

I thought I dealt with a lot of different people up front, but in the pharmacy, people are brutal.  I understand you don't feel well.  I understand you want to get better and want to get your medication as soon as possible to start getting back to "normal".  However, I have a few pieces of advice for you.  Treat me like a human being.  Your doctor is not working behind our counters.  When he tells you that your medication is going to be all set by the time you get to the pharmacy, he's not the one counting it.  You are also not our only patient and while your predicament may seem vitally important, there are other people going through the same thing as you who also want to get better.

Listen, I'm all for every single person who comes through our pharmacy to get better.  I'm not for being treated inhuman.  I'm a person.  You giving me bad attitude does hurt me sometimes.  You not willing to pause your phone conversation while I'm trying to help you, and distracting you while I try to do my job, semi annoying.  But I'm trying to help you.  So please, treat me with respect.  It'll make the whole process go a whole lot smoother and also make my day go by better.

I'm not sure what is going on with people recently, maybe everyone is stressed with the upcoming holiday, but I'm really tired of people giving me attitude all the time.  Especially when 99 percent of the time it's because said person doesn't want to listen or accept an explanation I'm giving them.

It's lucky I work with people who make me laugh, because if I didn't?  I would probably be in the corner rocking myself back and forth crying.  Which I have been on the verge of doing multiple times recently thanks to our dear customers.

End rant.  I can't wait till summertime.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Yesterday, as I was letting Mandy out, I heard ruffling of leaves in the back corner of our property.  Around the same place as the coyote a few weeks ago. 

I got nervous, obviously, that Mandy was going to run past the electrical fence.  I got nervous that it was the big coyote.  And that I was not going to be able to control Mandy to come back into the house.

However, it was not a big scary coyote in the backyard.  It was two deer.  Running away from the noise of our house.  TWO DEER.  

I live in the woods.  And I love it.

P.S. Twitching eye for days....what does that even mean?!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

For those who are closest to me, my desire for a tattoo has been discussed many times, with no date set for a variety of reasons.  Blood thinners, lack of funds, lack of guts.

I've made a decision though.  While the holiday season tends to take a lot of money outta a person, I plan on putting some money aside.

And I've decided, with the help of someone actually making the date because I don't think I'm going to be that brave, the date.

What would be more perfect then the year anniversary I had to go to the hospital because of Henry?

So there it is.  December 27th if I don't have the tattoo on my hip, I'm going to be extremely upset with myself

I Wish I Could Freeze This Moment....

"I wish I could freeze this moment right here, right now, and live in it forever." Peeta Mellark.

Yes, I have become a fan of the Hunger Game series.  Yesterday, I finished the last book and am sad that the trilogy has ended.  I also highly recommend this series to anyone of my friends.  I do not own the books, I had heard about them from various people and never went about actually getting them.

Then I learned that Tom had them, and I was super excited.  I was able to read them the past month or so.  And slowly but surely, other people at work have begun to read it as well.  And let me tell you, I have not met one person who does not enjoy it.

This series is a mix of Twilight and Harry Potter.  Tom may hate me for making this comparison, or anyone who has read the series may hate that comparison, but the executives are trying to make The Hunger games into the next big thing.  It has the intrigue of a love triangle that seems hopeless at times but you cheer for both of the guys in the triangle.  And then you have the adventure of the actual games, with the possibly of death at every turn. To imagine a world where children are competing in a field to the death for the entertainment of their government is disgusting.  But it also makes you wonder how the people in the "arena" deal with such a difficult task of having to kill people at a young age.

I am so excited for this to become a movie.  I read somewhere that it needs to do well in the box office in order for the studio to let the other movies get the go ahead.  I'm hoping that it is a success.  While not as many people have read this as Twilight and Harry Potter, I'm hoping people do give it a chance.  If you like dystopias, you are going to love it.  And for those who don't believe me, dystopia is a word. If you like a troubled love triangle, with both guys being good guys for the girl, then here is the book for you.

It's pretty amazing.  How one day, one decision, can change a person's life so much.

Give it a try.  I dare you not to love it. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Do What You Love.

I have not read through this whole list.  But when you see online that someone has completed a list of secrets and tips to share with the world, that definetely means I need so share that website with whoever is still reading this thing.

Some of these things I whole heartedly agree with.  I feel better when I do work out, whether that be running or dancing, I feel better.  Which is why I'm trying to start working out again.  And the sun?  It's amazing, although I believe they should say life becomes so much easier at the beach.

Starting your day off right is completely important.  This summer I was told every morning that I was beautiful.  While I don't necessarily need someone to tell me this, hearing it from a very important person in my life always made me wake up with a huge smile on my face.  Which is another life secret.

The most important thing I think on the list is about love.  Do what you love, surround yourself with people who love you and keep the people you love close.  I try to push people away, and I do apologize for that, but I try very hard to keep those people I love within my inner circle.

And by inner circle I mean in arms length to give a huge hug to whenever they need it.

So whoever still reads this bad boy, please click the link down below.  And expand your life with these helpful tips and secrets.

Little Life Secrets

Monday, November 7, 2011

Miss Me?

The coyote came to visit again last week.  Just staying two days once again and then disappearing into the wild.  Tom's dad said it's not a good thing to have them out during the day, so I will be on constant vigilance to make sure that sucker doesn't come back.  Mandy tried to protect that family by going after it, luckily I saw that in the window and with some fast relfexes to drop my cheese, I was able to get Mandy safely inside.  This is a complete different scenario then last time when I had to hobble to Mom and Dad's window to get a glimpse outside because that window was the closest one to me.

I have been trying to get in the running habit again.  Today was day 1.  Figure Monday would be a good time to start.  And even though it's been over a year, I'm going to try to stick with it.  I can not become lazy again.

Medically, nothing really has changed.  I got blood work last week, and my girl Helen remembered me.  Sad, when that happens.  While waiting in the sitting room, there was this adorable older lady who was trying to unzip her jacket, but she just couldn't do it.  I wanted to ask so bad if she needed help, but when I asked, she didn't hear me.  Then I realized she probably would not have wanted my help and wanted to do it by herself, so it was a good thing I didn't just repeat myself louder.