Monday, January 28, 2013

Life Lessons at 26

Two years ago; a snapshot of a wonderful accomplishment

Since today is my 26th birthday, I decided that I should write some lessons that life has taught me.  Enjoy.

1. Nothing is better then receiving a hand written letter in the mailbox from a friend.  I not only love sending them, but getting them makes my whole day.

2. You can judge how good a restaurant is by their nachos.  If you don't agree with me, then you obviously have never tested this.

3.  Hospital visits can be stressful, but it's always important to try and be kind to those who are taking care of you.  Health care providers aren't going to be so nice to you if you are being an asshole.

4. Capture as many of life moments with a camera.  Being able to look back on all those amazing memories is something I truly love more then words.

5. Travel.  I have been to many states throughout the country and it's been such a wonderful experience every where I have gone.  The getting their part may be hectic (hello getting stuck in airports...) but the fun times I have had during those trips are priceless.

6.  On-line shopping is one of the greatest inventions of all time, but it can also be the devil.  There have been so many times that I have bought new clothes without having to deal with rude people at malls or stores.

7. Music makes my world go round and song lyrics can truly speak to the soul.  If you don't believe that a great song can change your whole mood, then you haven't been exposed to great music.

8.  Enjoy food.  If my stomach problems have taught me anything, it's always enjoy every aspect of a meal.  Even though I know I may be in pain a hour after eating my meal, if it's a good dish, then I will enjoy it. No matter what.

9.  It's completely okay to spend the day in sweat pants, snuggled with blankets, on the couch reading a good book.  I do this on a regular basis and I'm totally okay with being a bum.

10.  I'm also okay with reading my favorite books on a regular basis.  If I absolutely love a book, then I'm excited to go back and see my favorite characters.  In fact, 90% of the books on my book case I have read more then once, and I'm not ashamed of that.

11.  Life seems to be better in the summer time, as well as by the beach.  I think the warm weather wards off the bad energy that winter sometimes provides.  Case in point, I have never had stomach problems during the summer.  And whenever I'm over thinking a problem, if I go to the beach, then I feel completely renewed.

12.  Life will set you up with many obstacles, including many different medical problems.  As long as you try to keep your head up, and surround yourself with a good support system, then you will be able to overcome anything.  Also, even if you think you can't give blood, it's possible.  It's also possible for the girl who used to cry during any sort of shot can look at blood being taken and also give herself her own shots.

13.  It's also possible that as you grow up, you also become more emotional.  It's also possible that those emotions come out more often when you don't feel well.  Also possible to want to cry at the drop of the hat whenever someone is nice to you.  It's fine to be emotional.  Embrace it.

14. Singing on the top of your lungs to your favorite song is acceptable.  While dancing around your room, and having the music blaring.  This dancing/singing combination will let your worries slide away from you.  Dare you to try it.

15. Never be afraid to tell people how much you care about them.  Give them hugs.  High fives when they achieve something good.  Smile at strangers who did something nice to you. Say I love you.  People want to be cared about.  And smiles and hugs can change the world.

These life lessons may be general ideas to some people, or not very profound, but the fact remains they are a few of the things I truly believe in.  I always knew I was lucky to have such amazing people in my life, but you really know how many people are in your corner when some obstacles come your way.  I want to thank everyone who reads this, who has believed in me, who has given me a hug or words of encouragement, not only in the past 2 years but especially the past 26 years of my life. It means more to me then I think you will ever understand to have you all in my corner.

Happy birthday to me! Here's to many more to come.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Winter Blues

Since the cold temperatures of winter have finally hit us, I can not help but think how much I need the summer back in my life.

The sun.  The heat.  The endless possibility that summer brings. 

Even though I am a winter birthday baby, I am a summer girl at heart.  And this little heart is aching for the summer time.

No matter how many country songs I listen to, or how many summer pictures I look at, I can not help but wish summer would get here sooner.

This is my love letter to warmer weather, as soon as you can, to come back to New England.  We all need the sunshine and warmth back in our lives, please.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Anything Can Happen....

Boy, oh, boy is 2013 welcoming me in with open arms.

I haven't been feeling well and while I try to grin it and bear it, it's starting to suck to always be sick.

I've been getting countless blood work done, and my INR does not budge at all.  I'm on a very high count for the Warfarin and nothing is changing week in and week out.  I try to keep smiling and keep a positive attitude with everything, but sometimes it's very tiring.

And I don't think most people around me understand how truly draining this whole thing is.

I have become a sort of recluse since the first of the year.  Other then a quick overnight trip to Boston, I have stayed home basically every weekend because I either become too tired early in the evening, or just don't have the energy to pretend.  Yes, I've had a boring social life, but I don't want to continue being the sick girl.  Instead, I just stay in my house, and read books and watch different T.V. shows.  Hello guilty pleasures.

Tomorrow I get to talk to my inside doctor and basically tell him that he could proceed with trying to get some more tests done to determine whats going on with me.  I was nervous about the whole new insurance thing, but now that I called Human Resources, I have a little more faith that I won't be without insurance at any point after turning 26.

But here's to a better few weeks where the stomach gets magically better.  Guess I gotta keep the positivity flowing somehow....