Thursday, November 22, 2012

Things I'm Thankful For

Part of what I love about the holidays is the time spent with my family.  Thanksgiving is always a great time to reflect on things that you are most thankful for, with most people sharing with those they love all the things they are thankful for.  

I had planned on sharing pictures here every day this week to show some of the people I am thankful for most in my life.  With all the ups and downs this life has given me these past few years, I am incredibly thankful for all the wonderful people in my life.  I have the biggest cheerleaders on my side whenever I start to feel down.  With all my health problems, I have realize that I am extremely lucky to have people willing to help me and my family whenever we are down.  

I am thankful that I was able to enjoy the holiday with my family and eat some delicious foods.  I am thankful that my flare up has gone away and that Natasha and Boris have not been bothering me too much.  I am thankful for my wonderful family and friends, and every single person who has helped me and my family in the past.  I'm thankful for my job, even if I want to rip my hair out sometimes when I'm there.  And I'm thankful for the roof over my head and all the wonderful things my parents have provided me throughout my life.
Olympic Fun with my Sisters <3

Sorry for the fomatting, I'm terrible with computers sometimes.

But here are a few pictures of some of my favorite people, that I am so thankful to have in my life.

La Familia
The Second Family at the Beach
Tenzina and Holly. Two of the girls who make me sane at work
Smiles & Laughs Always
Madison <3

Mandy <3

Brother and Sisters
The Replacement Jen

Nana with the Connecticut Grandkids
Since the beginning.

Some of my favorites.  Really just love this picture
My Girlfriends.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Monday Ya'll

Gotta love a doctor offices.

We got there probably 10 minutes early, not for any particular reason just to make sure we were on time.  The office was a little crowded, but it's a Monday morning so it's to be expected.

As the room continued to crowd with new arrivals, I started to get nervous that there wasn't going to be enough chairs, and if that became the case, I would have probably offered up my chair.

Anyway, they began calling people in for their appointments.  Bam. Bam. Bam. Names were being thrown left and right.  Eventually, my name was called, and I went in to see the doctor, who I think just really loves life.  He really seems to embrace everything good with life.

Anyway, the actual time I saw the doctor didn't last long.  To say it was 10 minutes long would be pushing it.  He asked me how the pain level was, asked what type of medication I was on.  He asked if I saw the blood doctor yet, then told me he couldn't really do anything until the blood doctor does his tests.  Thank you so much for wasting my Monday morning with an appointment I didn't even need.

I did ask about my freakish bruising.  He said bruises do occur and I shouldn't be alarmed when I see bruises on myself.  He said as long as the bruises seem to be going down, then that's a good thing.  Personally, I think it's a good thing that my bruises/discoloration seems to be disappearing.  But that's just me.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Things I'm Thankful For: Part 1

With Thanksgiving just days away, I decided to share pictures of the various people/things I'm thankful to have in my life.

These are the people that made such an impression for me in college, that I may have lost touch with this past year, but have gotten back in touch with these past few weeks.  I am so thankful for those friendships that will be there no matter

 I remember when we took this picture in the wind tunnel right before I graduated.  I'm pretty sure Alanna said you guys were my proud parents right after taking this.  I was so thankful to have girls like you push me to be the best person I could be throughout senior year and help shape me into the person I am today
To have a roommate my senior year who completely understood everything, boy was I lucky.  And even more lucky to be able to send you a simple text message about silly things now and you completely understand
 I am so glad I met you all those years ago during orientation.  We have been through quite the roller coaster Julia and I am lucky to be riding on this roller coaster with such an amazing friend.  Your emails always make me smile, and I can't imagine not having you in my life. <3
 While you may not have been an actual Husky, I always tie you with my college experience.  Six years and we are still friends, who take silly pictures of napping together after a wonderful spring weekend full of craziness.  One small visit from you can leave me with smiles for the rest of the week.
I never thought I would leave UCONN with another half like I did with you my dear, but I have.  I promise to come visit Boston soon so we both end up with fun stories now that we are entering the later parts of our twenties.  I am most thankful for our nights of just sitting around your coffee table just eating and catching up with life.  

I miss each of these girls so much now that I do not see them every day.  Friendship doesn't necessarily mean being in touch with each other every day.  It does mean being there for each other whenever you need them.  I am thankful to have these girls in my life to lift me up whenever this silly sickness kicks me in my ass.  And I'm also so extremely thankful to have reconnected with them during this whole terrible experience.

Doctors, Doctors, Doctors.

Tomorrow is another doctor's appointment where we find out more about the blood clot.  This particular doctor always makes me smile when I see him because he walks in and gives me a kiss on the cheek.  The first time I saw him he asked me why I was there, especially considering my age.  The upside is this time I have never been truly knocked on my ass with Natasha and Boris.  The downside is that I have some weird bruising on the leg that Natasha and Boris are located.  When I asked my boss if that can be a side effect to the Warfarin, she said she didn't see it as one.  But then when I showed her the veins, she laughed and told me my legs look like they are old people veins.

Before anyone takes offense to my boss laughing at me, I started making jokes with her before I pulled up my pant leg to show her my shins/calves.  I have realized that if you start the joking, it takes the sting away from the reality that my veins really do look like an older woman's veins.

Sometime in the near future, I have an appointment with my rockstar stomach doctor.  I'm hoping to start reducing the steroids.  I have to start worrying about my bones when I'm on the steroids for any length of time, and I just want to stop worrying about things.  So I'd like to get this show on the road and stop tappering the medication now.

I also have to make an appointment with a new doctor.  It's the doctor who will hopefully tell me why I get these blood clots.  Or they will tell me if there is something with my blood that makes it clot easier.  But I'm hoping to get some answers when I go see that new doctor.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Another New Start....

Nothing better then giving a mass over view of my doctor's appointment to the general public via this blog.

No. There was absolutely no sarcasm in that statement.  I promise.

Like I said earlier today, I was absolutely terrified to go into this doctor's appointment today.  I knew I was learning how to inject myself with this new medication of mine, which doing anything new is scary.  However, when I looked at the box, I realized I wouldn't be injecting just one "pen" into myself, but rather four.  And the last time I got any sorts of injections/shots (i.e. the devil shots), I was in lots of pain after we injected them. 

To say I was nervous was a huge understatement.

Well, the doctor who taught me how to do it was absolutely amazing.  Seriously, she was super friendly, and answered every question I had thrown at her.  She needed to verify some things about my current medication before we went over the proper way to inject those lovely pens.  But she did answer everything, including the ever important "Will it hurt...."

Now about the actual injection.  It's an interesting feeling to know you will be injecting yourself with medication, that sort of hurts, but not really.  The pens are easy enough to actually do, just hold up some extra skin in my thigh area and hold down the pen for 10 seconds.  Not too bad, the whole holding the skin part is more annoying then anything else. All I could think of for every pen (I did three on my own; the one she administered didn't hurt at all, but mine kinda had a little sting to it...) was that it was a suction cup whenever I hit the actual pump.  Once again, really weird little action, but it's over within 10 seconds and then I just move on to the next pen.

There was a bit of blood, which of course scares me whenever I have any sort of blood, but I got four different band aids (not fun looking ones.....FAIL).  I giggled going home thinking to myself how I would look completely broken if someone knew I had four different band aids all over my legs.  On top of that really hot looking leg bruising or whatever.

Anyway, now I have to actually invest in a planner because I have to keep on top of when I'm injecting these pens.  The next time I have is the beginning of December I believe where I will be using 2 pens, and then every two weeks I will be injecting myself with 1 pen.  So only 10 seconds of uncomfortableness.  YESSSSS!!  So far there isn't really any side effects, but that happened last time too.  I'm hoping that everything is going to go wonderfully with these injections.  The only problem is I have to do some blood work, but luckily I can work this with my blood thinning blood work.  The BIGGEST problem will probably be actually getting the blood outta my veins because that's been a huge fail any time I have gone to blood work. 

But that's the update on my life from today.  Tomorrow is a day to spend on the phone with mail order companies and billing offices.  Wonderful day off huh?  I lead pretty much the most exciting life in the world.  And I wouldn't have it any other way....

Smile Like You Mean It.

Today I'm rather terrified.

I have a doctor's appointment in about forty minutes to learn how to inject myself with my new medications.  I'm 25 years old, am perfectly okay with other people poking me with needles, but the thought of doing it myself?  Makes me want to cry.

So I've been trying to put on a brave face, and not really think about the fact that I have to inject myself with this wonderful little pen needle for the long run.  From what I have read on-line, it hurts like a bitch if you do it in your thigh.  Research on message boards scares and reassures me at the same time because people aren't going to lie about different medications when it comes to colitis talk.

I'm just hoping that this new medication will work. And not be painful.  Because I'm a big baby and just can't deal with being in pain anymore.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

This is a difficult week for some of the closest people in my life and my heart aches that they have to go through any pain in their life. I have been blessed with a beautiful family.  But I'm also extremely lucky to have another family, a family that may not be related by blood, but has become my family.  They are some of the strongest people I know, and I'm proud of everything they do.  This second family of mine changes my life whenever we all get together, and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I have watched my younger sisters and brothers grow into beautifully strong young adults and I couldn't be more proud.  And I know that there are people up in heaven who are smiling at us all, so proud of every accomplishment we have made, helping to wipe every tear we shed, and taking our side when the journey becomes a little too difficult.

While this may not be the most uplifting post to begin a Monday morning, I leave you with words from the Beatles.  Whisper words of wisdom, let it be....

Monday, November 5, 2012

Tomorrow is Election Day...

Tomorrow marks the end of all election commercials.  It also marks the first time I will be voting (yes I know I am a terrible American for not having voted before this year but I'm making a change so be proud of me).  Anyway, these commercials are a little much so I'm glad that the election is finally here so they can cease to exsist until the next election rolls around.

Now I don't feel comfortable letting whoever reads this blog who I plan on voting for, I find it's important to vote this year.  I don't know why this year is vitally important to me, but it is, and I already know who I am voting for.  

As far as the above video, I enjoy when celebrities come together for a good cause.  And this video, is hilarious.  I vote for Zac Efron texting me whenever he wants to.  And Leonardo DiCarprio.  But I enjoy when random celebrities don't shove down your throat with who they want to win or lose, but rather that you just need to go out and actually vote.

So go have fun tomorrow kids.  Vote.  It determines the next four years of our lives. 

It's Time to Begin.

I really enjoy this song so I hope you all would give it a chance as you read this lovely little update.

I'm trying my best to get back to my ordinary life, but sometimes my stupid stomach and leg hold me back.  This weekend I was able to go out with my friends, some of my favorite people in the world.  Shannon and I got spent the whole weekend together along with Tom and his friends.  I have known those guys for a few years now and they always put a huge smile on my face just because they are guys guys who enjoy hanging out with one another, drinking beers and talking about sports.

This weekend was exactly what I needed to get my mind off the fact that my stomach is taking longer to get better then I expected.  Last time I ended up in the hospital with a flare, I was already back to eating regular food, especially with the amount of steroids I'm on.  And now I just feel like my stomach is taking five years to bounce back and I don't have the patience to wait for it to be better.

That's not to say I haven't been able to enjoy my food.  Unfortunately, sometimes, my stomach just hurts a lot after I eat.  Whatever, I make sure to enjoy eating and just deal with whatever pain may come after the fact.  I mean when one goes up to the casino, how does one simply ignore Margaritaville nachos.  Spoiler alert: They don't.

Today is a stay in bed type of day because my leg has been hurting me a little bit.  Natasha and Boris are mad at me from all the fun I have been having.  The leg hasn't swollen at all, but the pain which had all but disappeared is there a bit right now.  As I am typing, I have my legs elevating on a folded over pillow.  

Story of my life.  

And sometimes, I wouldn't have it any other way.