Sunday, November 18, 2012

Doctors, Doctors, Doctors.

Tomorrow is another doctor's appointment where we find out more about the blood clot.  This particular doctor always makes me smile when I see him because he walks in and gives me a kiss on the cheek.  The first time I saw him he asked me why I was there, especially considering my age.  The upside is this time I have never been truly knocked on my ass with Natasha and Boris.  The downside is that I have some weird bruising on the leg that Natasha and Boris are located.  When I asked my boss if that can be a side effect to the Warfarin, she said she didn't see it as one.  But then when I showed her the veins, she laughed and told me my legs look like they are old people veins.

Before anyone takes offense to my boss laughing at me, I started making jokes with her before I pulled up my pant leg to show her my shins/calves.  I have realized that if you start the joking, it takes the sting away from the reality that my veins really do look like an older woman's veins.

Sometime in the near future, I have an appointment with my rockstar stomach doctor.  I'm hoping to start reducing the steroids.  I have to start worrying about my bones when I'm on the steroids for any length of time, and I just want to stop worrying about things.  So I'd like to get this show on the road and stop tappering the medication now.

I also have to make an appointment with a new doctor.  It's the doctor who will hopefully tell me why I get these blood clots.  Or they will tell me if there is something with my blood that makes it clot easier.  But I'm hoping to get some answers when I go see that new doctor.

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