Yesterday was an important day in America's history, but also for some of my dearest people in my life. September 11th 2001 changed the world that we live in completely. It showed Americans that even in during one of the biggest tragedies that ever happened to our country, we can come together as a group of people, and help each other mourn and grow and stand tall and heal with one another.

There is a man from Milford who had the biggest smile in the world. His name is Michael and he is cherished by some of the people that I love the most in my life. Michael worked in one of the towers on that fateful day and it's my understanding that our world lost such a bright star.
Yesterday, when I was at the memorial service in West Haven, I couldn't help but think of my friends who lost Michael 11 years ago. Michael is a man whose legacy lives on every time a story is told by Kate or Emily or Brad. Every time we see a lady bug outside. I got emotional yesterday listening to the speeches and remembering how my friends hurt every day because they miss Michael so much.
And I grew extremely proud of my country. For a country that pulled together in the darkest time and built itself back up. For a country that showed that we were stronger then even we expected. I cried watching that flag go up, and hearing songs for America. Because we are America. Home of the brave.
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