Sunday, December 2, 2012

I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday filled with smiles, laughter, friends, family, things we are thankful for and of course, tons of food.

As this holiday season approaches, I can't help remember that two years ago, everything was beginning.  The end of my old old "normal and the transition of a new "normal" that I never thought I would get used to. 

However, I slowly am getting used to it....

I have started my taper for the steroids on Black Friday.  I did not want another miserable holiday and decided like Black Friday was a good a day as any to start decreasing some of my medication. After speaking with Dr. I, we determined we would try a faster taper then I'm used to, but it all depends on how my body becomes reacts to it.  For now though, that means I'm going down 10 mg every Friday until I'm done.  Which may mean I have the best Christmas present EVER.

Last week, I had to inject myself with two more of the Humira pens.  And I was so proud of myself for not needing someone to hold my hand while I did the whole thing by myself in my room.  Dad told me that if I ever think I can't fight, I need to remember that moment when I ran out to get high fives from Chris and Dad for doing the injections by myself.  Dad could tell I was so proud of myself, and knew I would eventually need to remember that I'm stronger then I think.  It's nice to have my family in my corner.

One more doctor's visit before the holidays and a few more blood tests I'm sure.  It's funny though.  In my new normal, I'm no longer terrified of needles or blood work.  Instead I'm the girl asking questions on why they take two tubes of blood.  And in my new normal?  I kick ass in giving myself injections.

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