For the past two Thursdays, my friends and I have gone down to the bar at the local hotel to do trivia. Not many people attend, or even participate, but it's still a fun time and we get to test our knowledge. Yes, we are secret geeks and I'm okay with that.
Well, yesterday there were three teams playing which does in fact include our team. We knew one of the other teams, but the third was a random customer at the bar. No big deal right? Wrong.
The jerk on the team we didn't know was a HUGE tool. Like screaming across the bar that we were cheating and using cell phones. Oh, I'm sorry that we just are good guessers or know what we are doing. Or that we have people who want to TEXT us when we are at trivia. Our bad.
The first time he did it, we just laughed it off and ignored it. The second time, it pissed me off because he went on a little longer with his rant. So what did I do? I started screaming back. Yes, I, Jennifer, started to scream across the bar that he needed to calm down the the accusations of cheating because we DID NOT get the question he was bitching about right.
I was proud of myself that I stood up for the dignity of my friends and I. But also, I did something I never in a thousand years imagined I would. I yelled at some random guy across the bar for being a HUGE tool bag. Surprisingly, the possibility of a bar fight was thrilling and I wish he would have continued with me but he didn't. He did end up trying to push my answers away, but turns out he dropped out of the contest anyway. And we ended up second out of second. Gooooooo us!!!
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