Monday, November 7, 2011

Miss Me?

The coyote came to visit again last week.  Just staying two days once again and then disappearing into the wild.  Tom's dad said it's not a good thing to have them out during the day, so I will be on constant vigilance to make sure that sucker doesn't come back.  Mandy tried to protect that family by going after it, luckily I saw that in the window and with some fast relfexes to drop my cheese, I was able to get Mandy safely inside.  This is a complete different scenario then last time when I had to hobble to Mom and Dad's window to get a glimpse outside because that window was the closest one to me.

I have been trying to get in the running habit again.  Today was day 1.  Figure Monday would be a good time to start.  And even though it's been over a year, I'm going to try to stick with it.  I can not become lazy again.

Medically, nothing really has changed.  I got blood work last week, and my girl Helen remembered me.  Sad, when that happens.  While waiting in the sitting room, there was this adorable older lady who was trying to unzip her jacket, but she just couldn't do it.  I wanted to ask so bad if she needed help, but when I asked, she didn't hear me.  Then I realized she probably would not have wanted my help and wanted to do it by herself, so it was a good thing I didn't just repeat myself louder.

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