Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cold Weather Blues

Colder weather is moving in.  And once again the only good thing to look forward to with the cold weather is it means that my birthday is approaching.  However, turning 25 is not something I am looking forward to.

Anyway, that's not why I bring up the colder weather.  Colder weather means that people are getting sick and needing medication.  And I'm not just talking about 1 or 2 people.  I'm talking droves of people.  And while it's nice being busy at work, I am not a fan of people's attitudes during this holiday season.

I thought I dealt with a lot of different people up front, but in the pharmacy, people are brutal.  I understand you don't feel well.  I understand you want to get better and want to get your medication as soon as possible to start getting back to "normal".  However, I have a few pieces of advice for you.  Treat me like a human being.  Your doctor is not working behind our counters.  When he tells you that your medication is going to be all set by the time you get to the pharmacy, he's not the one counting it.  You are also not our only patient and while your predicament may seem vitally important, there are other people going through the same thing as you who also want to get better.

Listen, I'm all for every single person who comes through our pharmacy to get better.  I'm not for being treated inhuman.  I'm a person.  You giving me bad attitude does hurt me sometimes.  You not willing to pause your phone conversation while I'm trying to help you, and distracting you while I try to do my job, semi annoying.  But I'm trying to help you.  So please, treat me with respect.  It'll make the whole process go a whole lot smoother and also make my day go by better.

I'm not sure what is going on with people recently, maybe everyone is stressed with the upcoming holiday, but I'm really tired of people giving me attitude all the time.  Especially when 99 percent of the time it's because said person doesn't want to listen or accept an explanation I'm giving them.

It's lucky I work with people who make me laugh, because if I didn't?  I would probably be in the corner rocking myself back and forth crying.  Which I have been on the verge of doing multiple times recently thanks to our dear customers.

End rant.  I can't wait till summertime.

1 comment:

  1. Jen - my favorite when I was a pharmacy tech at the Madison CVS was always how I was supposed to know how EVERY SINGLE PERSON'S health insurance plan worked. Didn't matter that they are thousands of different plans - I was supposed to know them all even when they don't know their own :)!! Working in the pharmacy was always interesting to say the least!!
