Friday, March 4, 2011

Why You Wanna Give Me a Run Around

Today, I went to see my lovely primary doctor.  Now I use the word lovely loosely.  She wanted this appointment because she "hadn't seen me in a while" which in real terms means the first visit I had with her after I went to the hospital.  She had told me back at that appointment I would get sick of seeing her but at the same time I had not seen her since the end of December.  Hmmm.....that's a wonderful start to the visit.

Anyway, I went to the appointment today and she told me that my INR is basically at a stalemate which has brought concern to her as well as the doctor that is treating my blood clot.  I am taking high doses of Warfarin which is not good to be taking so she told me that they are trying to figure out why my INR is the level it's at without budging even though they had increased my Warfarin level.  She then begins to ask me about my diet and if I was having tons of green vegetables, which I told her I had been having small salads but she had told me that was not an issue.  She asks if I have been having caffeine, which I told her not really because I was told water is the best thing so I have been drinking a lot of water.  She then asked if they had given me of a list of stuff I shouldn't be eating.  I told her no, I mean two months after the fact I haven't really been worried because she told me that I did not need to worry about it.

Thanks for the change of thinking after all this time.

Not only did she ask about my diet but then I was rambling about various things, about how I have not felt better since before this whole thing started ever since I started taking the steroids, which she then looked at me and goes that's it.  Mind you, my father discussed with my primary doctor about the medicine that my inside doctor, who is the ONLY one doing good to me, prescribed to me.  She KNEW about the steroids and yet this was like some huge new news to her.  But the doctor told me that the steroids are probably the reason my INR levels have not changed.  

I thought that she seemed so out of it as weird but I didn't really question it because she is my doctor and I thought she would know what she was talking about. My dad and I have kept her in the loop, my dad told her that she needs to be our go to person that was our contact between the other doctors.  And from what we understood she was going to be that person.  Boy were we wrong.

Today I get to go for another ultra sound on my leg which I am hoping beyond hope tells me that my blood clot is getting smaller. According to my primary doctor, the long trip is the cause of my blood clot which is crazy because the hospital and everyone else told us that was not the reason at all.  The travel during Thanksgiving was ruled out.  But she said that if I were to go on any more long trips then I would need to move around a lot more because I can't do more long trips.  I mentioned my trip to Washington and she told me about the ultrasound today, in a few hours.  Not only that but she told me by the end of the month they wanted me off the Warfarin.   Funny to think I'm going off it so soon because I was told I was going to be on that for a year.  Not that I'm complaining.  Blood thinners suck.  But I guess by the end of March I will no longer have to take it which I guess means they think the blood clot is growing smaller.  Who knows though.

I will give updates on how the ultra sound goes today.  Plus I had a funny post idea before the doctor but I don't feel like writing about it now.  That little jem will be presented when I get back from the doctor.  Till then

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