I've wanted to do a birthday post similar to last year's wonderful little post about life lessons I have learned now that I have recently turned 27. (Yes it's a delayed post but work has been super busy and I think I have had a cold for most of said week.)
1. Never, ever be afraid to tell the people who mean the most to you how important they are to you. Unfortunately nothing in this life is guaranteed and I think one of the most important things is to remember we need to embrace those who we love and remind them every day.
2. A night of sitting on the floor, drinking and eating and gossiping with your friends is sometimes all a girl needs to let life worries disappear.
3. Live for the experiences. I have realized that I want to do everything. I want to go to all the concerts. I want to go to restaurants. I want to go experience all the joys in life with my friends and no price tag (okay some price tags) will stop me.
4. There is nothing more beautiful then watching your childhood best friend get married to the love of her life. This includes watching your second dad cry when he walks into the hotel room and tears up when he sees her for the first time. Or knowing that a special angel is smiling down on that girl he always thought of as his daughter as she became a Miller.
5. People surprise you. With a note, text message, visits, and hugs. Kind words heal the soul and I don't if I could have survived 26 without the countless well wishes that many people in my life have sent me.
6. Yes, you can enjoy a beer from Luke Bryan's concert because of connections your friend has.
7. Fresh flowers can liven up any room.
8. It's a compliment when older gentlemen tell you there is not many people like you in the world. For some reason I appreciate compliments from the older generation because they can tell what's really real.
9. NOTHING is better then a great outfit. When you feel amazing, you feel invincible.
10. Surround yourself with positive people. People who will push you to be the best person you can be. People who will support you. People who will love you no matter what you have done, or no matter how much time has past since you have talked to them. The people who love you regardless and want to see only the best for you. Negativity takes it's toll on a person and if there is one thing I have learned, life is too short to let that affect you.
11. Buzzfeed articles make the world go round.
12. Jennifer Lawerence is a brilliant actress and a role model of our time. Rarely do you hear her talking about a diet or exercising. Instead you hear her talk about beers and eating and I really think she would fit right in with my friends.
13. I was never one who disliked the number 13 or expected bad things on Friday the 13th. I have since become a girl who can not stand that number and dread the day every month.
14. Inspirational quotes can make a tough day a little easier. Do not judge anyone who may post many of them because you never know what they are going through.
15. My father was one of the best people in my life. The guy who would see me upset and give me a hug or try to crack some joke to get me to smile. This world lost some of it's sparkle on May 13 2013 and I have been forever changed. I'm a firm believer that my dad made sure to surround me with people who love me and try to get me to laugh even during the darkest days. There has not been a day that has gone by where I don't miss my dad, but I hope he's with me every step of this crazy life and that he's proud of his little girl.
Happy belated birthday to me and hope everyone has a safe Superbowl Sunday.
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