Friday, February 22, 2013

I've made an important decision folks. 

I'm going gluten free.

And I'm making a promise to try and be positive about this whole thing and not wallow on all the food that I will no longer be able to eat.  Or the places I will be able to eat. 

Actually, let's have a moment of silence about this sad turn of events.

Unlike most people who have been going gluten free or trying the whole "clean" eating thing, I'm not doing this to lose weight.  Yes, it is a life style choice, but if I had a choice, I would continue to eat all the crappy food that I love.

Instead it's a life style choice to hopefully start a road to recovery.  While my doctor may not say there is actual medical proof of a diet change working, I'm going to cross my fingers and toes that my inflammation will go down and I won't be so miserable all the time.

Which leads me to researching/going on Pinterest to find recipes for this new type of living I'm going to be doing.

Let the adventure begin.

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