Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Anything Can Happen....

Boy, oh, boy is 2013 welcoming me in with open arms.

I haven't been feeling well and while I try to grin it and bear it, it's starting to suck to always be sick.

I've been getting countless blood work done, and my INR does not budge at all.  I'm on a very high count for the Warfarin and nothing is changing week in and week out.  I try to keep smiling and keep a positive attitude with everything, but sometimes it's very tiring.

And I don't think most people around me understand how truly draining this whole thing is.

I have become a sort of recluse since the first of the year.  Other then a quick overnight trip to Boston, I have stayed home basically every weekend because I either become too tired early in the evening, or just don't have the energy to pretend.  Yes, I've had a boring social life, but I don't want to continue being the sick girl.  Instead, I just stay in my house, and read books and watch different T.V. shows.  Hello guilty pleasures.

Tomorrow I get to talk to my inside doctor and basically tell him that he could proceed with trying to get some more tests done to determine whats going on with me.  I was nervous about the whole new insurance thing, but now that I called Human Resources, I have a little more faith that I won't be without insurance at any point after turning 26.

But here's to a better few weeks where the stomach gets magically better.  Guess I gotta keep the positivity flowing somehow....

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