Summer is halfway over and I can not believe how this summer is turning out.
I'm finally starting to get on the mend; starting my new "normal". Who would have thought the new normal would be taking five pills in the morning alone along with my vitamin. The new normal would be getting blood work every few weeks and visiting doctor's offices every 6 weeks. The new normal would include knowing what it means for your stomach to flair, or to be extremely relieved to be off my blood thinners. But it's normal.
And there are other new normals too. Working in the pharmacy and having to fight every week to get proper credit in the computer system. I have been fighting since April to get what I deserve, and it's still not right at the end of July. I wrote a note to the store manager last night because I never seem to work during the time he's there. And for once, I plan on bugging/reminding him every day that I need something to change, and some serious back pay, in order to be happy.
I've been in a weird mood and I'm not sure why. I'm happiest when I get to hang out with the boy. I honestly can't wipe the smile off my face whenever I'm around him. The best part is hearing things that happened but in his own words. It's funny how different a situation can be remembered. But I don't know about the other things and I wish I could shake it. These uneasy feelings happens every now and then. Eventually I can shake now it's just a waiting game
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