Sometimes I feel like I am a ghost of my formal self. That some how people see the smile or hear the laughter and don't realize that it's all for a show. Most of the time that smile is trying to hide the tears that want to spill out and the laughter? That's because for maybe a split second, I forgot how much my heart is broken.
I don't know if my heart will ever heal. I'm scared of how I will face life without him. You have to understand, my Dad was my everything. The one I turned to when I had a terrible day. The one I turned to when I wasn't feeling well, or when I just wanted to have a beer when I didn't like work very much. He was the one who told me I could do anything my heart desires.
Every day is a struggle. Don't take the smile and laughter for face value. Most of the time my heart is racing because I think I'm doing the grieving thing wrong, or that someone who sees me is judging me. Sometimes I worry that people see me as broken, or they will feel pity for me. Sometimes I am really angry that he had to be taken away; those times are the worst.
I have been told for a few years now that everything happens for a reason. I just don't know what these life lessons are. I don't want to constantly be the strong person who has had all these terrible things happen to her. I hate that. For once, I want to be the care free girl who seems to have the world at her finger tips.
I don't know how I'm going to get through this. These past few months have been one terrible roller coaster and I want off this ride now.